Monday, May 23, 2016

Here's to never growin' up

the end is actually here. everyone is discussing their summer plans. the seniors are talking about what they'll do after graduation: going on missions, going to college, a scholarship here and a scholarship there . . . 

but i won't be a part of those things because i'm just a junior right now. 

my heart tells me it's so ready to be done with school and it's ready to move on to other things. it says it's ready for long late nights and playing and having fun and going on adventures that make it pound and beat rapidly. but my mind says something totally different. 

my mind says make time go slower, it's not ready for this. stop time and hold onto this moment forever. make it last a little longer. it's not ready for being mature and moving on to those responsibilities. 

i just can't do it. i'm just a kid! i can't grow up! 


here's to the long nights and wild parties 
here's to the ridiculous things we said 
here's to the time we spent watching Disney movies with our families 
here's to the times we all wished we were grown up already 
here's to the secret crushes  
the first kisses   
the sweet 16's 
here's to the first jobs and first day of work 
here's to that first job application we filled 
here's to that school dance we were so excited about with that one special person 
here's to the sun getting hotter  
                    nights getting longer 
                    hair getting lighter 
                    skin getting darker 

and for all of us who haven't lost it: 

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